Below are our articles on the subject of Travel. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Alternative Eco Friendly Transport
There are greener alternatives to jumping in a car, like walking, cycling and public transport. The cheapest options can slash carbon dioxide emissions and have health…...

Alternative Fuel Options for Your Car
Petrol and diesel are no longer the only options available when it comes to fuelling a car, but there are financial considerations to be made before choosing an…...

Buy an Efficient Car
A clampdown on vehicle emissions has accelerated advances in cleaner fuels and greener car technologies, making many modern cars more economical and less harmful to…...

Car Sharing: Increasing Benefits for you and the Planet
Car sharing has huge benefits for the planet as well as a number of personal benefits so isn't it time that we all embraced this fuel and time-saving initiative?...

Carbon Neutral Car Insurance
The arrival of carbon neutral car insurance is an exciting development in the sphere of financial service for the low-carbon economy, extending the idea of offsetting…...

Could Solar Roads Become a Reality?
An eco-inventor in the USA is trying to develop a solar road surface which would allow networks of roads to generate clean energy and replace fossil fuel power stations....

Eco Friendly Holidays: Camping to Cottages
More and more people are now looking at eco-friendly holidays rather than jetting off to the sun. We look at some of the options - from a carbon neutral cottage to…...

Eco-Finance Driving
Eco-driving burns less fuel and so saves money and reduces pollution. Following a few simple rules can lead to dramatic savings and even improve road safety....

Get Your Employer to Join the Cycle to Work Scheme
Cycling is a great way to travel - it reduces pollution and improves your health. Even better, the government is now offering tax perks to people and companies who set…...

Is an Electric Car Really Green?
Many motorists are thinking of swapping their conventional car for an electric or hybrid vehicle, but it seems the jury is still out on whether they really are an…...

Long Haul vs Short Haul
Low-cost air fares have led to a boom in weekend breaks abroad, but taking holidays closer to home and travelling by land or sea is better for the environment....

Maintain Your Vehicle To Help the Enviroment
By keeping a car in tip-top shape it will be more fuel efficient. This saves money and reduces the amount of harmful greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere....

Solar Aeroplanes Could Cut Carbon Emissions and Fuel Use
Imagine if you could take an overseas holiday without any worries about the carbon emissions involved! An incredible solar-powered plane developed in Switzerland shows…...